Labradorite Meaning & Uses

Labradorite Meaning & Uses

Labradorite, named after the Labrador Peninsula, was believed by natives of Canada to be the result of the northern lights, created by frozen fire, and that some of those lights are still trapped in the stone.  Because of the parallel formation of minerals in this...
Moonstone Meaning & Uses

Moonstone Meaning & Uses

Simple, but elegant, the moonlike silvery-white reflection that moves across the surface of a moonstone gives the stone its name.  Thought to protect travelers, it has been used for thousands of years.  It is a traditional wedding gift in India and is considered a...
Lapis Lazuli Meaning & Uses

Lapis Lazuli Meaning & Uses

Back in the late 70’s, a sensational tour drew huge crowds across the US.  At its New Orleans stop alone, over 870,000 attended the “show”.  No, it wasn’t the Stones, although I’m sure they were touring at the same time.  This tour was more unique and rare than that. ...
Amethyst Meaning and Use

Amethyst Meaning and Use

Amethyst Meaning and Use February’s birthstone is a form of quartz.  Taking its colors from the iron and manganese, the higher the manganese content, the deeper the color.  Power, wealth and royalty have long been associated with the color purple. Throughout history,...
Turquoise Stone Meaning

Turquoise Stone Meaning

Turquoise Stone Meaning When we think of turquoise, southwestern style is usually what comes to mind, but turquoise has been prized for centuries by the ancient Egyptians, Persians and Native Americans among others.  In fact, turquoise was mentioned in the bible as...

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